'Sad' Princess Diana spent final Christmas 'lonely' without kids

Princess Diana was not happy in her final Christmas without Royals

Web Desk

Princess Diana lived a life of loneliness and unease before her death in 1997.

The former Princess of Wales spent her Christmas festivities alone ahead of her demise and fondly spoke about her children; Prince Harry and Prince William as they visited Sandringham with the Royal Family.

Former royal chef Darren McGrady share: "It was always pretty sad when you worked with the Princess on Christmas Eve."

"William and Harry were going to Sandringham and Princess Diana was there, alone. She insisted that the staff spend time with their families for Christmas and that we leave the food in the refrigerator."

Meanwhile, a source told Kay: "Diana didn't feel welcome at all. She could see how her being there just made everyone so tense and uneasy. She'd joined them for the boys' sake, but it wasn't working."