Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have been rejected by La La Land?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have sparked concerns about being ‘shunned away’ by La La Land

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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have been rejected by La La Land?
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have been rejected by La La Land?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just sparked a number of questions about their popularity in La La Land, as a number of people question their future in the US.

All of this has been issued by royal commentator Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on everything during one of her most recent pieces for

In that piece she referenced the Golden Globes and said, “Throughout all of this, on a night when the great and the good, the Botoxed and the Ozempic-ed, the overly-taut and the squidgily plumped faces of the entertainment biz all giddily filed into the Beverly Hilton ballroom to congratulate themselves and to neck Champagne in the ad breaks, the Sussexes were nowhere to be seen.”

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“There is every chance that the duo sagely decided to stay home, swaddled under the one Hermès throw, sipping soothing tisanes and refiling the Archewell office’s positivity thought jar,” she also added.

This comes in stark contrast to months prior, where Ms Elser believes, “once upon a time, the duke and duchess would have seemed so above Hollywood that the idea of them walking a red carpet and attending the event would have been laughable.”

Before concluding however, she added, “Except now, their absence raises the question of whether they have been fully accepted and welcomed into the fold by La La Land.”