Former butler highlights Royal family's turmoil amid renewed Prince Andrew scandal

Grant Harrold sheds light on issues faced by Royal Family in the midst of the renewed scandal involving Prince Andrew

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Former butler highlights Royal family’s turmoil amid renewed Prince Andrew scandal
Former butler highlights Royal family’s turmoil amid renewed Prince Andrew scandal

A former butler of the Royal Family has stated that they are no different from any other family, emphasizing this perspective amidst ongoing turmoil within the British monarchy.

Their reputation received a major blow after recent legal documents publicly linked Prince Andrew and others to Jeffrey Epstein.

Speaking on the matter, Grant Harrold, the ex-royal butler, portrayed the royals as a family that experiences conflicts and challenges, much like any other.

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He told GB News that the Royal family is "just like any other family" who row and fall out, adding that the "trials and tribulations" the family have faced in recent years is "like all of us.”

"Under the reign of Queen Elizabeth, it was quite secure, it was solid,” he shared. "It was a united family and over the last couple of years it's literally kind of crumbled away."

"They are just like all of us who go through different trials and tribulations within a family. But when it's the Royal Family, and there's a few people out there as we know that don't want a Royal Family, this just adds to their cause."

He went on to predict that the future under Charles' reign could see a "slimmed down monarchy,” claiming that he "wants to show a united front.”