Royal expert questions timings of King Charles' health scare announcement

King Charles will undergo procedure to treat enlarged prostrate as Kate Middleton recovers in hospital

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Royal expert questions timings of King Charles’ health scare announcement
Royal expert questions timings of King Charles’ health scare announcement

King Charles "could have waited" to make the announcement about his health scare, claimed royal expert, Angela Levin.

The news about monarch’s surgery to treat enlarged prostrate came within two hours of Kensington Palace’s announcement about Kate Middleton’s condition.

Questing the timings of both the announcements by the Palace, Levin told GB News, "With the Queen, you would never know until she'd been to perhaps hospital and had what she needed to be done and then got home.”

ALSO READ: Concerns arise for British monarchy amid King Charles, Kate Middleton surgeries

“Then she would say something,” she added. "It's very rare indeed. I don't think it's appropriate to come out with it on the same day that we were astonished by Catherine's problem in hospital.”

The expert commented, “I think that it could have waited, but I think as well it's very quick.”

"It was only discovered a week or so ago in Scotland and obviously, once you know about these things, you have to have them done quickly.

“But I admire him enormously for encouraging people to do it."