King Charles wants public to 'think about him' as Kate Middleton falls ill

King Charles deliberately launched his health update to save Kate Middleton

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King Charles wants public to think about him as Kate Middleton falls ill

King Charles used a special PR tactic to divert attention from Kate Middleton.

His Majesty, who announced his enlarged prostrate diagnosis hours after the Princess of Wales abdominal surgery, wanted less questions about his daughter-in-law.

Dr Tessa Dunlop notes: "It is highly unusual for the Royal Family to divulge private health matters. In that respect the shared information about the King's enlarged prostate was unprecedented, and it was also canny.

"Buckingham Palace doesn't do spontaneity; the release of a statement containing private matters about the King's health immediately after news of the Princess of Wales' major abdominal surgery was deliberate. The timing deflected from his daughter-in-law's major operation, likewise, the private detail concerning his prostate gave the public something else to think about. (The NHS website saw increased traffic on the subject).

She adds: "But beyond that obvious strategy, I believe there was something else at play. By sharing a slice of the personal, Charles's statement served to underline the absence of any real detail concerning Kate's condition. The protective King may as well have said 'Here, have some information on me, but keep your prying eyes away from my daughter-in-law.' Read side-by-side the statements are a powerful example of well-coordinated PR. Here was a modern, public service Royal Family, but one with very clear boundaries."