Meghan Markle, Prince Harry ‘stink' to high heaven

Meghan Markle, and Prince Harry have just come under fire for ‘stinking’ greatly

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have just been called out for ‘stinking to high heaven’ in their relationship with the Firm, during their time of crisis.

All of this has been shared by royal commentator Lady Colin Campbell.

She broke all things during one of her most recent interviews with GB News.

There, she touched on the Sussexes’ silence over the Firm’s problems, and said their situation now “stinks to high heaven.”

In her eyes, “All they needed to do was make some public declaration” and things would have gotten better.

Read More: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle missed chance to gain ‘sympathy

“But they are not going to, they can exploit every situation as long as they don’t make a public declaration,” Ms Campbell further went on to say.

This “the whole thing stinks to high heaven,” in her eyes.

Even royal commentator Phil Dampier chimed in on the same time, shortly thereafter.

He began by acknowledging the possibility that concern is there and added, “If they had made a public declaration, there would be a certain sympathy for them. There might have been private contact. I’m sure they are worried.”