Prince Harry is ‘ambulance chasing' to ‘vainly profit from Kate Middleton

Prince Harry has just been blasted for ‘ambulance chase’ while Kate Middleton and King Charles lay in the hospital

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Prince Harry is ‘ambulance chasing to ‘vainly profit from Kate Middleton
Prince Harry is ‘ambulance chasing' to ‘vainly profit from Kate Middleton

Prince Harry has just been bashed for ‘ambulance chasing’ while Kate Middleton and King Charles go under the knife.

This has been issued by opinion contributor Mark Toth and Jonathan Sweet.

He weighed in on everything in a candid piece for The Hill.

In it, the authors touched on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s movie premiere appearance and branded it a ‘blatant’ ambulance chase.

In the eyes of the writers, “Essentially, however, they were ambulance-chasing, and appeared to be vainly attempting to profit from their family’s medical challenges.”

Read More: Kate Middleton's new health details laid bare

In that regard, Harry and Meghan succeeded.”

“But now it is time for the UK to laugh them off that stage, and formally through an act of Parliament remove their titles, as well as Harry’s spot in the order of succession.”

“Harry and Megan started this knife-fight. It is time King Charles and Parliament put a decisive end to it.”