King Charles' failed Prince Harry and their chickens are coming home to roost

Experts fear King Charles has failed Prince Harry and now his chickens are coming home to roost

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King Charles failed Prince Harry and their chickens are coming home to roost
King Charles' failed Prince Harry and their chickens are coming home to roost

Royal experts are reportedly fearful of how badly Prince Harry has been failed, considering now that King Charles’ chickens are coming home to roost.

Everything has been shared by royal commentator Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on things during one of her most recent pieces for

The conversation began with Ms Elser taking a trip down memory lane to Megxit and the solutions proposed at the time.

In her piece she wrote, “That’s it? Are you truly telling me that this one single idea – send them to South Africa – was the sum total of what a venerable institution with hundreds of staff and an annual operating budget about equal to the GDP of a Pacific Island nation could come up with?”

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“That they couldn’t cook up some other scheme to ensure that Harry and Meghan could continue plumping for the Crown Inc?”

She also added, “In my view, the Palace failed the duke and duchess back then, and right now, with the triple whammy of Kate, William and Charles all benched, their chickens are coming home to roost.”

“They failed to prevent Harry and Meghan from taking the nuclear option and failed to keep them on side, meaning that today the House of Windsor is looking about as structurally sound as a prefab, jerry rigged extension built on top of the San Andreas Fault.”