Incredible benefits of rosemary you might not know

Here is an overview of how rosemary benefits human health

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Incredible benefits of rosemary you might not know
Incredible benefits of rosemary you might not know

Rosemary is one of the most common herbs with a significant scent. They are evergreen shrubs that have needlelike shaped leaves.

In scientific terminology, rosemary used to be termed as Rosmarinus officinalis and is now called Salvia rosamarinus.

The plant is distinguished due to its beautiful white-, pink-, purple- or blue-coloured flowers that grow in the Mediterranean region.

Rosemary and human health:

Rosemary plays a massive role in the maintenance of human health whether it is utilized fresh, dried or extracted and turned into an essential oil.

This shrub’s essential oil is simply termed as rosemary oil which possesses a number of active compounds

Some active chemicals in Rosemary oil include rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid, rosmanol, carnosol, ursolic acid and betulinic acid.

Due to the presence of these chemicals, this herb’s neuropharmacological properties include, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant and anti-tumorigenic abilities.

Uses of rosemary oil:

Incredible benefits of rosemary you might not know

Rosemary oil can be used to achieve different health maintenance goals, which includes but are not limited to:

Hair Growth:

Rosemary Oil stimulates the growth of hair and particularly helps people undergoing the condition of androgenic alopecia, commonly known as pattern baldness.

Research suggests that rosemary combats alopecia by inhibiting the inflammatory pathways associated with the condition along with stimulation of hormone-like lipids to promote hair follicle growth.

Mood improvement:

Inhaling the rather unique scent that rosemary emits has anti-anxiolytic and anti-stress effects on the brain and generally benefits people suffering from mood disorders.

Rosmary’s mechanism of action is that it reduces the stress hormone corticosterone in the blood and enhances the production of the neurotransmitter, dopamine, which is responsible for making you feel good.

Pain reduction:

Rosemary oil is also known to have analgesic properties as it possesses the ability to be absorbed by the body through your skin.

It works by targeting the receptors and pathways involved in pain generation and inhibits its propagation.

How to use rosemary oil:

Commonly, rosemary oil is either applied on the skin or used in aromatherapy. The oil is diffused in a diffuser during aromatherapy for easy inhalation. Meanwhile, when applying to your skin, it is recommended to mix rosemary oil with some other carrier oils like coconut or almond.

This reduces the chance of an allergic reaction and balances out its intense concentration, making it safer for use on the skin.

Precautions while using rosemary oil:

Rosemary oil may cause an allergic reaction to the skin, so its always best to test out any rosemary product before use.

It is also not known to cause any severe side effects nor does it interact with any medications.