Natalie Portman's book pick strikes personal chord amid marriage troubles

Natalie Portman’s pick for March touches a raw nerve as it explores the themes of infidelity and divorce

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Natalie Portmans book pick strikes personal chord amid marriage troubles
Natalie Portman's book pick strikes personal chord amid marriage troubles

Natalie Portman picks Nora Ephron’s Heartburn for March and the book theme hits home.

The star of Black Swan share­d a snapshot on Instagram where she's holding a book, with he­r eyes pee­king over the top. 

She captioned the post, “'Excited to finally read Nora Ephron's Heartburn, her classic transformation of pain into humorous art. Looking forward to hearing what you all think! #MarchBookPick @natsbookclub,”

It is pertinent to note here that Heartburn was originally published in 1983, and explores the marriage and divorce of Nora Ephron from ex-husband Carl Bernstein

Natalie, who had been navigating her own marital troubles, picked a novel that focuses on the impacts of a cheating husband, and that probably strikes a chord as she herself is steering through her reported split with husband Benjamin Millepied.

On June 2023, Voici, a French outlet alleged that Natalie’s husband Millepied is cheating with a climate activist Camille Étienne, 21 years his junior. However, a in August a source told People magazine that the fling was “short-lived and it is over.”

The source also included that Benjamin “knows he made an enormous mistake and he is doing all he can to get Natalie to forgive him and keep their family together.”

The May December actress hinted at split during a Wall Street Journal interview on January 2024 where she told she is living in “Paris with her two children” but made no comments on her husband.

However, Natalie have always remained tight lipped about her private life and she still has no interest in fanning the flames of split rumours. Speaking about reports on her marriage, she told Vanity Fair that, “It’s terrible, and I have no desire to contribute to it,”

Nonetheless, recent development suggested that Natalie is ready to file for divorce as she “tried to make it work but she simply could not get past his cheating on her”, an insider told Daily Mail.

“Divorce is in the works, but nothing has been filed as of yet. They are split, however, and she is living in Paris while Benjamin continues to work in the US”.

For those unfamiliar, Natalie Portman met French dance­r and choreographer Benjamin Millepied while working on Black Swan in 2009, then the pair got married in 2012.