Prince William is ‘putting Kate Middleton first' in front of Britian, Kingship

Experts warn Prince William is risking far more than he realizes with his approach towards Kate Middleton

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Experts have just shed some light into Prince William’s silent moves regarding Kate Middleton’s’ health, much to the dismay of the public.

Claims regarding the Palace’s silence over Kate Middleton has been referenced by royal commentator Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on things during a candid piece for

In that piece she the Firm’s resolve over maintain silence on any matter pertaining to Kate as well as Prince William’s last-minute withdrawal from a memorial event for the late King of Greece.

Referencing all this the expert wrote, “Out of this episode, has come growing disquiet about Kensington Palace’s handling of his last minute withdrawal and, more broadly, their ongoing vow of absolute silence when it comes to the princess.”

All in all she also went as far as to claim, “The devil here is not in the details but the lack thereof.”

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“The palace, some quarters have argued, should be being much more upfront about Kate’s months-long sick leave rather than refusing to be drawn on anything beyond the fact that she had A Thing, was in hospital and is now home.”

At this point in time, “the debate has only grown from there about just how open the palace should be. As future Queen, does the public have licence to be kept even marginally apprised about what is going on with her? Or, does Team Wales have every right to continue to be an impenetrable fortress of silence?” Ms Elser also asked.

But reportedly against the wishes of the public, “throughout this, William has remained resolute in the face of growing public agitation, implacably ignoring all this noise from an increasingly riled up and jumpy public, press and social media and remained wholly focused on delivering his wife restorative cups of milky tea in the conservatory.”

“His entire focus and goal would appear to be protecting Kate, in every sense, and to put family first.”

“The plan: Say nothing, do nothing, and post nothing about the princess and let her get better in complete privacy.”