Taiwan man fakes frostbite to claim $1.7m insurance, gets both legs amputated

Chang submerged his legs in dry ice for 10 hours to induce frostbite

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Evidence of Chang sinking his feet into a pail of dry ice taken by his fraud accomplice and obtained by the Taiwanese authorities. —Taiwans Criminal Investigation Bureau
Evidence of Chang sinking his feet into a pail of dry ice taken by his fraud accomplice and obtained by the Taiwanese authorities. —Taiwan's Criminal Investigation Bureau

In a peculiar case of insurance fraud, a Taiwanese university student, Chang, in an attempt to scam insurance companies, staged a fake frostbite scene in order to claim insurance payouts amounting $1.7 million, Straits Times reported. 

Chang's fraudulent scheme, which involved submerging his legs in dry ice 10 hours, led to a loss of his bid to get compensation and a below the knee amputation.

Along with his classmate Lan, surnamed Liao, Chang cannily bought several types of insurance policies covering the worst-case scenarios. Later, in northern Taipei, on Jan 26, 2023, the duo created an elaborate stunt resembling motorcycle ride frostbite that often happens at midnight.

To create artificial injuries, Liao forced Chang to go through a long time exposure to dry ice, which made the deception more realistic. Chang, who was handcuffed by Liao, had to go through horrifying pain because his legs expanded too much. Chang was hospitalised quickly and a below-the-knee amputation occurred on Feb 6, 2023.

He got this amount of money from one of the insurers, but other insurance companies raised questions based on inconsistencies in dates, and injuries’ details. Researchers, examining Chang's case closely, came across some unusual findings in the frostbite injuries, exactly symmetrical, which do not correspond to actual frostbite.

Other observations such as meteorological data even contradicted Chang's statements and demonstrated that the temperature was rather moderate, not enough for somebody to sustain frostbite. The next stage of the investigation led to the discovery of the kompromat including medical records, insurance documents, and items related to the crime.

Driven by the financial difficulties that stemmed from cryptocurrency losses, Lia masterminded the crime relying on Chang’s obedience obtained through a substantial promissory note.

Two defendants, Liao and the victim, are accused of fraud while Liao is additionally charged with inflicting serious injuries. Confiniscation of their ill-gained asserts represent the dangerous nature of their forgery.