Kate Middleton gives Prince William ‘solidity' he lost after Princess Diana

Prince William needs Kate Middleton to make him feel safe

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Prince William and Kate Middleton fulfil each other despite their personal flaws, says a royal expert.

The Prince of Wales, who lost his mother, Princess Diana, back when he was still a teenager, finds stability in his wife.

Speaking to Express.co.uk, royal author Tom Quinn wrote: “Aside from the trauma of her death when he was 15, we've got to remember that she [Diana] was much more cuddly with William and Harry than Charles ever was. But at the same time, she grew up with nannies and governesses so the boys were left very much with staff while she desperately searched for love.”

The expert added: "Kate represents that solidity that the late Queen represented, a kind of never complain never explain, just very steady all the time. For someone like William who's much more emotional and prone to lose it, that's very attractive because when he loses it, she doesn’t.”

Comparing William and Kate’s personality later, Quinn continued: “I interviewed William at this polo match, and you could see the irritation, he was about to lose it. Somebody else kept coming up to him and annoying him and pestering him, and he stormed off in the end. Now Kate would never do that."

He claimed: "That's a thing that goes back through the generations of royal males, especially heirs to the throne who tend to have tantrums. Harry is the same."