Prince Harry, Meghan Markle told to be ‘relatable' to bring back popularity

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle asked to live a contained lifestyle

Web Desk

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are told to leave their extravagant lifestyle behind if they want to regain their popularity.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who left UK to live a life away from luxury and attention, are reminded of their values.

Speaking to Mirror, PR expert Lynn Carratt writes: "If Meghan and Harry are set on building their popularity up, there needs to be some consistency and authenticity running across their brand as a couple. Another successful Invictus Gamea will help Harry’s popularity."

She continued: "They need to become more relatable to the British public, Meghan could consider toning down her use of designer labels and opting for frugal options, like Kate.

The expert then advised the couple: "Showing herself as a normal working mum who is facing the same challenges as others would also help.”