World's oldest man: 111-year-old John Alfred Tinniswood, born in same year Titanic sank

Guinness World Records names new world’s oldest living man

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John Alfred Tinniswood from England has survived both World Wars. — Guinness World Records
John Alfred Tinniswood from England has survived both World Wars. — Guinness World Records

The Guinness World Records has officially recognised 111-year-old John Alfred Tinniswood from England as the world’s oldest living man.

The development came following the death of 114-year-old Juan Vicente Pérez (Venezuela).

Tinniswood became lucky as 112-year-old Gisaburo Sonobe from Japan was initially expected to be the new record holder, but he was recently confirmed to have passed away on March 31.

Despite his age, the 111-year-old can still perform most daily tasks without assistance — getting out of bed himself, listening to the radio and keeping himself updated with current events, and managing finances.

Revealing the secret behind his long life, he said it’s “pure luck”. “You either live long or you live short, and you can’t do much about it,” said Tinniswood, who was born the same year the Titanic sank.

His exact age is 111 years and 223 days as of April 5, 2024.

Currently residing at a care home in Southport, he is a great-grandfather and the staff at the facility call him a “big chatterbox”.

He advises people to not smoke. He also turns towards alcohol. Tinniswood has survived both World Wars, and in the second, he served in an administrative role for the Army Pay Corps.

He married in 1942 and after spending 44 years together, his wife, Blodwen, passed away in 1986. He has four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.