Wolverhampton woman sends distressing call for unusual intruder

Lady sends distressing call after finding this at home

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Woman in England amazed by terrifying intruder. — SWNS via The Sun

A resident of Wolverhampton was stunned after she found out a South American Monkey — which is equal to the size of a large cat — in her conservatory as authorities earlier that it could be a baby fox when they were informed.

When the woman called the authorities, they asked her to describe the animal as volunteer Gemma Warner was quoted by The Sun as saying: "We asked her to describe it so we knew and she just said it was small with a bushy tail."

"We thought it was just a squirrel or maybe a baby fox," she added.

What they found was a marmoset, a primate, sitting in the kitchen.

South American creature terrifies woman in England. —  SWNS via The Sun

"He was very skinny and hungry but he was clever enough to know he needed to find the humans," Gemma of Wings and Paws said, adding "We assume he must have been a pet which was sadly dumped or released when the owner no longer wanted him."

The animal native to the South America was taken away from complainant's property and was at an animal rescue centre as the organisation is looking a suitable home for the white-headed named Marcel.

Gemma added: “It’s lucky we found him because the cold would have killed him if he’d been left on the streets of Wolverhampton. It’s not their usual habitat as you can imagine.”

The primates usually eat sap, and gum from trees, insects, frogs and baby birds.