Lily Allen drops bombshell revelation about Sir Elton John

Lily Allen shared interesting details about her relationship with legendary singer, Sir Elton John

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Photo: Lily Allen drops bombshell revelation about Sir Elton John

Lily Allen reportedly held a grudge against Sir Elton John for years.

During the recording of her BBC podcast Miss Me? Lily shared with her co-host the real reason behind her secret animosity with the legendary singer.

Allen started the topic by saying, "I used to be managed by Elton John. He would call me like once every couple of weeks to check in and say hi and make sure I was OK.”

She also confessed, “And there was some times in that period where I wasn't OK. We parted ways, and I wrote this long letter to say how sad I was about the situation and that there was a big Elton-shaped hole in my life.

"Over the next few years as my life began to sort of spiral out of control, I held much resentment for the fact that I'd made myself very vulnerable in this letter and told him all about my sobriety, and I was quite cross with him for a few years," she admitted.

Nonetheless, she accepted that Elton never replied to her vents because she forgot to send the letter.

"I thought it was mean of him, and then when I moved here to America, I was unpacking and I found the letter,” she recalled.

Conclusively, she said, "I never sent it! Elton, if you're listening — which you're probably not — I love you and I no longer harbor that resentment towards you.”