Ozzy Osbourne creative process involves 'a graveyard at night'

Ozzy Osbourne is one of the most prominent heavy metal singers and media personalities

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Ozzy Osbourne creative process involves a graveyard at night
Ozzy Osbourne creative process involves 'a graveyard at night'

Ozzy Osbourne sung his hit single, Under the Graveyard, a few years ago, however, he might have taken the name a bit too literally when he danced at one.

According to The Times, this revelation was made on May 16, detailing how the Black Sabbath rocker was once seen dancing and howling among gravestones near Rockfield Studios.

The interview with the outlet featured Tiffany Murray, the daughter of Rockfield’s former resident cordon bleu chef, Joan, who recalled the incident when she woke up one night to the War Pigs singer’s bewildering behavior.

“He truly scared the living s--- out of me,” she said. “Even now, encountering Ozzy Osbourne in a graveyard at night would be the stuff of nightmares,” Murray added.

Murray — who wrote a memoir called My Family and Other Rock Stars, continued, “I still have the three little felt hippos, although the eyes are missing.”

“That episode taught me that rock stars have license to do really big wrong things but also the resources for really big sorrys too,” she stated, speaking of Ozzy Osbourne’s behaviour she witnessed that night.