Taylor Lautner's wife spills on 'intimate' marriage dynamics

Taylor Lautner tied the knot with Taylor 'Tay' Dome in November 2022

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Taylor Lautners wife spills on intimate marriage dynamics
Taylor Lautner's wife spills on 'intimate' marriage dynamics

Taylor Lautner’s beau Tay Lautner recently opened up about how the pair maintains their dynamics in order to ensure a healthy marriage.

During their podcast The Squeeze, Tay teased that while it's important to have physical intimacy, a couple should also be connected emotionally at all times.

"It's so funny — I feel like there are two forms of intimacy in our relationship. Obviously there's sexual intimacy, but the intimacy of being vulnerable and open with each other is important, too. Like, 'Hey, you did this, and I didn't really like it,' or, 'I'm struggling with this, can you help me?' That form of intimacy is so special and really brings two people together,” she said.

Tay further added, “It's being able to be open and honest and feel like you have a safe space with that person. I'm so thankful I can go to my husband, say whatever I want and he won't judge me for it.”

Sharing that while the Twilight star has "always" been in touch with his emotions, it’s not that easy for her.

"It takes me a moment to speak. When we first started dating, he was like, 'No, I want to know your opinion.' I was like, 'This is the first time I feel someone actually cares about me and my feelings.' He got me to be comfortable and open up,” Tay, who is a registered nurse, continued.