Ryan Gosling unable to spare family time after 'Barbie' success

Ryan Gosling shares two daughter Esmeralda and Amada with Eva Mendes

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Ryan Gosling unable to spare family time after 'Barbie' success 

Ryan Gosling’s packed schedule refuses to spare him free time with wife Eva Mendes and their children.

According to a source, who has known the couple for years, the 43-year-old actor’s “demand" has increased after appearing in Barbie.

“Ryan had a wild ride in 2023, firmly becoming an A-lister completely on his own terms with Barbie, and now you’re seeing the consequences of that. The guy was famous before Barbie, but the big change is that he’s totally and constantly in demand right now, and not just for acting work,” the insider shared.

They added, “He’s being inundated with charitable requests, which he takes very seriously, and fashion and lifestyle brands are after him for his endorsement, which is less of a priority but the man has a family to feed.”

However, Ryan's new commitments are keeping him away from his family.

“His new status also leaves precious little time for that family, and Eva continues to decline to make personal appearances with him because she’s so focused on being a mom,” the tipster said.

While speaking with Today in March, Eva had revealed that she decided to quit Hollywood in order to stay home with their daughters Esmeralda Amada (aged 9) and Amada Lee (aged seven).

“It was like a no-brainer. I'm so lucky, and I was like, if I can have this time with my children... and I still worked, I just didn't act because acting takes you on locations, it takes you away. It was almost just like a non-verbal agreement that it was like, ‘Okay he's going to work and I'm going to work, I'm just going to work here,” she had shared.