Rapper Ice-T on how musical tours changed after marrying Coco Austin

Ice-T opens up about the change in his tours over the years since tying the knot with Coco Austin

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Rapper Ice-T founded the band Body Count in the early 90s

Ice-T has made an interesting admission about how his musical tours have changed over the years, particularly after marriage to Coco Austin.

The 66-year-old rapper, who founded the band Body Count in the early 90s and portrayed Det. Fin Tutuola on Law & Order: SVU for 25 seasons, is headed for their Europe tour during a break in filming.

Ice-T now recalls that his tour bus that once 'used to smell like weed, condoms and alcohol' now smells of 'Bengay and potpourri.'

Ice-T, whose son Tracy Marrow Jr., 32, is also a band member, detailed about how he also keeps his family inclusive on international tours.

“Everybody goes. We have two tour buses. We have the family bus, with all the guys' wives and kids. Our front bus is very run by the women. Then we have the jail bus, which is all the roadies and all the guys that are by themselves. That's a bad bus,” he said jokingly.

He went on to recall how his past tours were more about adventure and freedom. “When you are young and you're out there, and you're basically f****** everything that moves, tour is a whole other animal," Ice-T said while drawing a comparison to his present tours that are more family-oriented.

"When you get older and you're married, you don't want to be away from your family. You want your wife out there. So it changes. That's why I always tell people if you're meeting a new band, stay clear!"

The seasoned performer also noted how he now prefers a quieter post-show routine compared to the partying of his youth.

“At the end of the show we're going to our hotel rooms, [it's] quiet, everything. The young guys are out there [because] they have never seen anything like it,” he says. “I ran around the world three or four times by myself, so I don't need to be out there by myself anymore.”