Queen Camilla puts special effort to bond with King Charles, Kate Middleton

Queen Camilla stood by King Charles and Kate Middleton's side during Trooping the Color

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Queen Camilla puts special effort to bond with King Charles, Kate Middleton 

Queen Camilla made sure that everyone knows she’s on King Charles and Kate Middleton’s side.

She appeared on the royal balcony with her family on Trooping the Colour and “demonstrated unity” by standing by her husband and daughter-in-law’s side.

The Queen’s portrayal of support meant a great deal as both King Charles and Princess Kate were diagnosed with cancer earlier this year and had to take step back from their royal duties, according to body language expert Noor Hibbert.

“Meanwhile Charles and Camilla's body language also spoke volumes. They appeared closely connected, with subtle yet telling signs of mutual support and affection,” he said.

Noor added, “Charles frequently glanced at Camilla, his expressions softening, while Camilla stayed close to his side, their synchronised movements indicating a deep bond and understanding amid the formalities of the ceremony.”

"When Charles and Kate were in conversation, Camilla's body language indicated a mix of attentiveness and inclusiveness. She often leaned slightly towards them, suggesting she was engaged in their discussion and showing support,” he explained further,

The expert continued, “Camilla's subtle nods and occasional glances towards both Charles and Kate suggested she was actively listening and contributing to the interaction, reinforcing a sense of unity and collaboration among them."