Princess Diana 'demands' to star in Kevin Costner movie unearthed

Princess Diana wanted to star alongside Kevin Costner in hit movie

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Princess Diana 'smooching demaned' to star in Kevin Costner movie unearthed

Princess Diana could be a movie star!

The former Princess of Wales, who died in a tragic car accident in 1997, was tipped to star alongside Kevin Costner in a sequel to a hit movie.

Speaking on The Howard Stern Show, The Bodyguard 2 star spoke about a planned plot which was to involve the mother of Prince William and Harry.

"He's on a plane, Princess Di's up front, everyone has to get off the plane," Costner detailed. "Di goes off the plane first, she goes into Hong Kong, because she's going to this [horse] race too."

"Princess Di, I meet her the next day at a party and I'm looking at her like everybody else. And she finally walks over and goes, 'I know who you are! ' And I said, 'What the f[expletive] are you talking about? ' She goes, 'I know you're here to watch over me.' And I said, 'No, I'm not actually. I'm watching over a horse,'" he recounted, reports the Express.

"In the story, she had broken with the royal family," he added.

Costner then detailed how he convinced Diana to come on board.

He said: "I said, 'I'm going to do Bodyguard 2 and I think I can build this around you. Would you be interested? '" Costner recalled.

"She goes, 'Yes ... My life's about to change.' I thought I understood what she's saying: 'I'd like to open my life... I think I would like to do this.'".

The second time we talked she said, 'Is there going to be a kissing scene? ' I said, 'Do you want there to be one? ' She said, 'Yeah,' and I said, 'Then we'll do that,'" Costner shared.