Meghan Markle lets Prince Harry be 'average English guy' in marriage

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marriage makes an unequal partnership

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Meghan Markle lets Prince Harry be 'average English guy' in marriage

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marriage is unequal and uneven, an expert suggests.

The Duke of Sussex, who lets the Duchess make dominant decision in the family, steps into background to maintain balance.

Speaking about Harry and Meghan's marriage dynamic, royal expert Esther Krakue said: “You can definitely see a heavy hand by Meghan in a lot of the decisions they make. You see that in a lot of the way their engagements are done, she's really at the forefront and Harry's melting into the background. She leads as much in private as she does public.”

“When they were in Nigeria it was very much Meghan centre-stage and you can understand why - she's an actress, she's had a lot of time around celebrities and polishing her media persona, she's headstrong and seems very confident. Harry's just this run-of-the-mill very average English guy," Ms Krakue adds.

Meanwhile, Royal expert Tom Quinn tells The Mirror: "No one has ever doubted that Harry and Meghan do not have an equal partnership – when Harry famously said, ‘what Meghan wants Meghan gets,’ he neatly summed up the situation."