Jennifer Lopez takes solo trip to 'reflect on marriage' with Ben Affleck

Jennifer Lopez's recent solo trip to Italy sparked relationship speculations with Ben Affleck amid ongoing marital rumours

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Jennifer Lopez takes solo trip to 'reflect on marriage' with Ben Affleck

Jennifer Lopez's recent solo trip to Italy has sparked speculations about the status of her relationship with Ben Affleck.

Amid ongoing marital rumours, relationship expert Louella Alderson shared some insights about Lopez's decision, in an interview with the Mirror.

Alderson revealed that the Atlas actress' decision to travel alone comes as Affleck has moved out of their shared home.

She noted that Lopez may be using this time abroad to reflect on her marriage and examine her future.

"This suggests that there may be some underlying issues or conflicts in their relationship that they are trying to work through," she added.

Alderson said, "It’s possible that Jennifer’s trip to Italy is allowing her some time and space to reflect on her marriage and what she wants for her future," adding, "she is a strategic and independent woman, so it's likely that she is considering her options and needs some time alone to make decisions about her next steps."

The expert highlighted that the separation, with Lopez in Italy and Affleck in Los Angeles, could facilitate personal growth "and self-reflection, which can ultimately benefit the relationship in the long run."