Sean Penn recalls trouble at house after Madonna called police

Madonna's worry about guns led police to break Sean Penn's windows; he recounts

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Sean Penn recalls trouble at house after Madonna called police

In a past marriage with Madonna, Sean Penn remembers a time when the cops came to his house after the pop icon worried about guns there.

During an interview with The New York Times, the Oscar winner said the police forcefully barged in after he did not cooperate.

"I had a freaking SWAT team come into my house," adding, "I said: 'I'm not coming out. I'm going to finish my breakfast.' The next thing I knew, windows were being broken all around the house, and they came in."

Despite this, the I Am Sam star said glowing words for his ex-wife, "She's someone I love," he shared. "It turns out it's a lot quicker to repair a friendship after divorce if there are not kids involved. It took [ex-wife Robin Wright] and I quite a while."

"There was a lot of drama. Much more important to repair it if there are kids involved, but no easy swing, right?"

Married for four years, Madonna filed for divorce in 1989 after tying the knot in 1985. The union was dogged with reports of physical abuse, which included beating with a baseball bat. 

However, the 65-year-old explicitly denied these rumours, stating previously, "While we certainly had more than one heated argument during our marriage, Sean has never struck me, 'tied me up,' or physically assaulted me, and any report to the contrary is completely outrageous, malicious, reckless, and false."