Pet donkey enjoys 'best life' with mate Elk after escaping owner

Diesel had escaped during a hiking trip near Clear Lake in California five years ago

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Donkey cosies up with Elks. — Unsplash/File

A pet donkey was found enjoying his "best life" with mate Elk after escaping from his owner five years ago.

The donkey named Diesel was recorded by a hiker earlier in June. The owner couple came across the video and were shocked to see that their pet, who had escaped five years ago, was living with a herd of elks, BBC reported.

Terrie and Dave Drewry said they were relieved seeing the video that the animal was safe. They have decided to let him wander free.

Talking to a CBS reporter, Terrie said that they had given up the hopes of ever finding him.

Diesel had escaped during a hiking trip near Clear Lake in California. Even after weeks of relentless searching, he was nowhere to be found. However, months later, camera footage emerges in which he was spotted wandering off.

Hiker Max Fennell spotted the herd earlier this month, describing the donkey as "happy and healthy"  and posted his film on social media.

Terrie, reacting to the video, said: "It was amazing. It was like, Oh my gosh. Finally, we saw him. Finally, we know he's good. He's living his best life. He's happy. He's healthy, and it was just a relief." 

Since Diesel's departure, the Drewry’s have adopted a new donkey, whom they love dearly.