Meghan Markle struggling under the weight of Prince Harry's inheritance

Meghan Markle’s inability to handle what Prince Harry is has just been exposed

Web Desk
Meghan Markle struggling under the weight of Prince Harrys inheritance
Meghan Markle struggling under the weight of Prince Harry's inheritance

An expert has just shed some light into Meghan Markle’s experience with the spotlight, as well as the differences between her and Prince Harry’s experiences.

Press Box PR’s Lynn Carratt issued all these claims according to Express UK.

She began by noting the differences in the duo’s social status, and subsequent popularity by saying, “Meghan wasn’t known in the UK, Suits wasn’t all that popular.”

“Even now, I think it’s all a little bit new to her, that she’s worldwide famous because if she had never married Harry, she never would have had this level of fame.”

For now Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are working on individual pursuits. Meghan Markle is currently focusing on American Riveria Orchard.

But Ms Carratt worries her chances at making a sale might not be as good because “All you have to do is look a Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop. Do I buy those products? No.”

“They’re for a certain high spending lady, who likes to look to her products, which is the same road, which I believe, Meghan Markle is going down.”