Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck's rough patch exposed by an astrologer

Reportedly, the Leo couple's divorced is written the stars, claims the astrologer

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Jennifer Lopez, Ben Afflecks rough patch exposed by an astrologer
Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck's rough patch exposed by an astrologer

In recent weeks, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's year has taken a tough turn after the couple’s marriage had been plagued with divorce rumors.

Their divorce speculations began when the fans noticed the pair hadn’t made a joint public appearance in weeks and the rumor was later fueled when Jennifer was reportedly, spotted house hunting without Ben Affleck.

According to the interview held by The Express, an astrologer named Inbaal Honigman explained that the reason behind this challenging year is thanks to the planet's arrangements.

While speaking on behalf of SpinGenie, Inbaal explained: "The rest of 2024 is challenging for Leos, thanks to three main planets – Mercury, the planet of communication, Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of passion. Between July and September, Leos have a lot going on."

She also added, "Communication planet Mercury is in Leo between 3 July 2024 and 25 July 2024, which means that plenty of conversations, meetings and social gatherings will be taking place."

Later on into the converstaion the astrologer went on to add that, "From 12 July 2024 to 5 August 2024, the love planet Venus is in Leo, and so there are romantic moments for those born under the sign of the Lion. Then, Mercury goes back into Leo again between 15 August 2024 to 9 August 2024, so it’s all about communication again, but lo and behold, Mercury is actually retrograde until 28 August."

Inbaal pointed out that there might be misunderstandings, unintentional harsh words, and secrets revealed but there could be a turning point for the pair as the year will be ending as well.

Before concluding though she also added that November and December could potentially seal the deal in Leo relationships for 2024 and be better.