Prince Harry swimming in the middle of a housing crisis

Prince Harry is currently swimming in the middle of a major housing crisis

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Prince Harry swimming in the middle of a housing crisis
Prince Harry swimming in the middle of a housing crisis

Prince Harry is currently facing a major housing crisis that King Charles is adamant on letting him face alone.

Everything has been shared on the Royal Record Podcast, between GB News's Royal Correspondent Cameron Walker and the Digital Editor Svar Nanan-Sen.

During that conversation the first expert highlighted the consequences of Prince Harry’s isolation and said, “What might be upsetting Harry even more when we talk about the relationships, is what he would see as a lack of support from his father or his brother when it comes to this case against the UK.”

“Now, from the King and William's perspective, they can't get involved in a decision from a Home Office committee,” and “that's up to them.”

Before concluding they also said, “We would usually hear rumours of someone trying to pull the strings behind the scenes, and there's been none of that, which suggests to me that they're leaving Harry to deal with it on his own.”