Brad Pitt doubles Angelina Jolie stress leaving her weak

Sources say eating habits of Angelina Jolie are affected amid Brad Pitt court battle

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Brad Pitt doubles Angelina Jolie stress leaving her weak
Brad Pitt doubles Angelina Jolie stress leaving her weak

Brutal legal fights with Brad Pitt is taking a toll on Angelina Jolie after sources say her eating habits have been affecting from the stress these cases inflict on her.

The megastar physique comes under the scanner after she recently walked onto the red carpet of Tony Awards with his daughter. But, eagle-eyed observes noted something odd in her despite exuding an air of charms.

“Everyone agrees that she looks stunning,” notes an insider. “She’s aging so well and hasn’t gone overboard with any surgery, but she really needs to address this issue with her diet before she’s 50.”

Explaining how stress affects her body and appetite, the source says, “The big problem is that when she gets anxious she totally loses her appetite, it’s difficult for her to even swallow a protein shake, let along eat a proper meal.”

It continued, “And with this court case with Brad dragging on and on, her stress levels have been through the roof, which has really impacted her eating habits.”

Not only this, her kids are also concerned about her uneven eating habits. Insiders told In Touch the mother-of-six in fact took a great care of her children diet but put little attention to hers.

“The irony is she actually puts a huge amount of focus on her kids’ eating habits and making sure they’re getting all the nutrition they need but then she just sits there picking at her plate and barely finishing anything on it,” a mole squealed.

But the source has assure Angelina is keeping up with her diet after her kids insistence.

“Her kids have been trying so hard to help her — they all cook for her and nag at her when she’s not eating enough,” a tipster tattles.

“But there’s only so much they can do, it’s very upsetting for them to see her so skinny. They’re all worried.”