Prince Harry is being forced to prepare alternate housing for doomsday

Prince Harry is scrambling with his housing woes amid an explosive doomsday scenario

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Prince Harry is being forced to prepare alternate housing for doomsday
Prince Harry is being forced to prepare alternate housing for doomsday

Prince Harry is reportedly being threatened by a massive doomsday scenario regarding his housing situation.

Everything has been brought to light by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on things during one of her most recent pieces for

In that piece she started off by wondering what the future holds for the Duke, incase Donald Trump takes the office and said, “f Trump, a multiple bankrupt and rapist, is returned to power and if he does decide that high on his priority list of retribution and demagoguery is going after the Netflix producer duke, it would surely have to qualify as a doomsday scenario for the alterna-royals.”

“For one thing, where the dickens would they go?” she wondered.

“Harry has made abundantly clear that he does not feel safe taking his family back to the UK since the Home Office revoked his taxpayer-funded security in 2020.”

“Moreover, given that Meghan has not spent any meaningful time there since the ink was still wet on their Megxit deal, it seems unlikely she would be particularly keen to return to the land of the long, warm pint,” she also pointed out before signing off from the conversation itself.