George R.R Martin reacts to 'Blood and Cheese' in 'House of the Dragon'

On the second episode of 'House of the Dragon' George R.R. Martin shares his views on the new addition

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George R.R Martin reacts to Blood and Cheese in House of the Dragon
George R.R Martin reacts to 'Blood and Cheese' in 'House of the Dragon'

After the much-anticipated episode of Blood and Cheese, George R.R. Martin has some words about a new addition to the script that was not part of his book.

Weighing in on this, he says that though he often does not like new additions to his source materials, he loved this one, which in this case was Cheese's dog.

"I am… ahem… not usually a fan of screenwriters adding characters to the source material when adapting a story. Especially not when the source material is mine. But that dog was brilliant," he wrote in his blog post.

George continued, "I was prepared to hate Cheese, but I hated him even more when he kicked that dog."

Adding, "And later, when the dog say at his feet, gazing up… that damn near broke my heart. Such a little thing… such a little dog… but his presence, the few short moments he was on screen, gave the ratcatcher so much humanity."

The noted author explained, "Human beings are such complex creatures. The silent presence of that dog reminded us that even the worst of men, the vile and the venal, can love and be loved."

"I wish I'd thought of that dog. I didn't, but someone else did. I am glad of that," George concluded.