IHC's Justice Jahangiri imparts advice on professionalism to young lawyers

“Never discuss your case with your opponent or rival," Jahangiri advises to crowd of lawyers at bar council

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IHCs Justice Tariq Mehmood (right) delivers lecture to the lawyers present at the Islambad Bar Council. — Supplied
IHC's Justice Tariq Mehmood (right) delivers lecture to the lawyers present at the Islambad Bar Council. — Supplied

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad High Court’s (IHC) Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri delivered a lecture highlighting the importance of professionalism to the lawyer fraternity at a ceremony held by the Islamabad Bar Council on Friday.

Highlighting several significant aspects required in the field of law, he addressed a diverse crowd of lawyers present on the occassion. 

Though Justice Jahangiri’s extensive lecture pointed out many things concerning lawyers and their profession in Pakistan, his approach regarding the field ethics and professionalism along with tips to young lawyers on how to execute their respective cases and become successful in their careers, stood out the most.

He initiated his lecture by emphasising on the importance of the chambers by saying: “Chamber determines everything for lawyers. It teaches us ethics and norms of the profession.”

According to Justice Jahangiri, if a chamber is not competent and sets bad examples then it impacts the career upbringing of lawyers. The chambers to which the lawyers belong can teach them ethics and good professional advice as well as inappropriate or unprofessional behaviour.

While speaking about ethics, he also pointed out the evident culture of clients calling their lawyers for discussing the case. He regarded these occurrences as highly unethical.

“Even the president of Pakistan is supposed to visit his lawyer’s office for discussion regarding a case. Lawyers should not be visiting their clients regarding the matters concerning their cases,” he added.

Additionally, the IHC justice also said that lawyers should opt to register a first information report (FIR) if something happens to their clients in criminal cases instead of instantly visiting the police stations.

After advising the lawyers on significant ethical essentials during the lecture, Justice Jahangiri laid importance on the aspect of professionalism in the field.

“Never discuss your case with your opponent or rival even if you share a friendship with that person. A line of ethics and professionalism needs to be maintained," he stressed.

In addition to ethics and professionalism, he also indicated the shortcomings of young students of law, their professors and chambers.

“Many young lawyers have no knowledge of basic things like what is bailable offence and non-bailable offence. Though it is due to their lack of interest when they are studying law, the professors and chambers are also to be blamed,” he said.

Justice Jahangiri emphasised that new and young lawyers should have every knowlege about their field. They should be aware about every detail of their cases from documents to the clients.

The IHC judge concluded his lecture by saying that the young lawyers should learn something new everyday. They should keep working hard and have a quest for knowledge. He then wished all the best to the lawyers present at the bar council for their careers at the end note of the lecture.

He also thanked the people in the bar for inviting him.