What 'frustrated' Prince William muttered as England lost Euro 2024: Lip reader

Prince William lost his calm as he attended the Euro 2024 final

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What frustrated Prince William muttered as England lost Euro 2024: Lip reader
What 'frustrated' Prince William muttered as England lost Euro 2024: Lip reader

Prince William was visibly irritated by at the Euros 2024 final.

The Prince of Wales, who attended the country’s football match against Spain, seemed disappointed as a lip reader spots his agitated remark.

Lip reader Nicola Hinkling told the Mirror: "William wasn't having any of it and said it 'was already requested'.

"When he sat down, he muttered under his breath the word 'sausage'."

This comes as William seemed a bit more relaxed during the England’s match against the Switzerland in the quarter finals.

Speaking on behalf of Betfair Casino, body language expert Darren Stanton said: “We saw William in a much more relaxed manner than ever before. During many of his engagements as the Prince of Wales, William shows feelings of happiness when necessary but still displays a professional manner.

"Normally, William would show a few smiles and walk with a stride in his step to show genuine contentment - but this time, he went a step further. It was great to see a very expressive side to the Prince. Chanting with the crowd, punching the air with his fist and displaying huge grins, were all examples of William expressing raw emotion."