Prince Harry fighting Meghan Markle for the spotlight

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have taken to the public eye to fight over the spotlight

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Prince Harry fighting Meghan Markle for the spotlight

Experts suspect the Sussexes are done with their double act from many years ago and are currently working to the lead with their own spotlights.

Comments about observations like these have been brought to light by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on all of this during one of her most recent pieces for

During that piece she said, “Still, the last year has solidified what seem to be clear shifts in Sussex Land. Shifts like them increasingly separating their careers and public branding.”

Because “the teary, sometimes terse, TV times are long over,” and “Harry and Meghan have moved on from their several years of sharing, sharing, sharing, often as a double act, while red, recording lights blinked and blinked some more.

All in all, Ms Elser believes, “Now the duke and duchess double act seems to be over, with each taking the lead — and the spotlight — in their designated areas,” officially.