Jennifer Lopez hurt by Ben Affleck's new antics: Report

Ben Affleck is reportedly enjoying Jennifer Lopez marriage escape with friends

Web Desk
Photo: Jennifer Lopez hurt by Ben Afflecks new antics: Report
Photo: Jennifer Lopez hurt by Ben Affleck's new antics: Report

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are living separately and are seemingly enjoying their time.

According to a new report of Heat World, Ben Affleck is tired of Jennifer Lopez drama and is celebrating his freedom from marriage at the same place where he married Jennifer.

An insider shared, “Ben just wants to get away from it all and enjoy himself again, and he wants to take his close friends with him.”

They also added, “He’s talking about arranging a big blow out at his place in Georgia, which is pretty ironic since that’s where he and J-Lo had their big wedding.”

“There’s also some talk of doing it in Las Vegas as he still loves to play poker and a lot of his friends do too – but that’s where they legally got married!” the source continued.

The source even claimed that this is Ben Affleck’s secret antic to tease Jennifer Lopez.

“No matter where he chooses to have this party, even if it's somewhere that has no connection to his marriage, like Mexico, it's going to be hurtful for J-Lo because this will be seen as him essentially celebrating escaping their relationship,” the insider declared in conclusion.