How King Charles ‘snaps' amid ‘pressure' as monarch, employee reveals

King Charles staff reveals what it’s like to work for His Majesty

Web Desk

King Charles’ office revolves around a lot of pressure, says a former employee.

His Majesty, who is famous for keeping himself busy, also keeps his staff on its toes.

The former employee told the Daily Beast: "Ultimately, people like working for him, but everyone is under a lot of pressure, because his office is incredibly busy.”

This comes as King Charles has been asked to slow down amid his battle with cancer.

"He’s absolutely not a monster in the office, but he is human, and he snaps sometimes. Unfortunately there is sometimes a camera on him when it happens."

They added: "In fairness to him, as anyone who has actually worked with him will tell you, he himself is always extremely well prepared, well-read on the subject matter of people he meets and is working with, diligent and respectful of expertise."