IESCO issued power shut down notice

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Electric Supply Company on Friday issued power shut down programme for various areas of its region due to necessary maintenance and routine development work.According to IESCO...

IESCO issued power shut down notice
ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) on Friday issued power shut down programme for various areas of its region due to necessary maintenance and routine development work.

According to IESCO Spokesman, the power supply of the following Feeders/Grid Stations would remain suspended as under:-

February 11-12 From 09:30am to 13:30pm, Chowk Pindori, Redco, Sagri, Kalar Seydan feeders, SPARCO, PAECHS, Chowk Pindori, Rawat, Shahbagh, Sagri, CWO & REDCO

February 11 Monday From 09:30am to 13:30pm, New United, New Exchange, Old Exchange, Old United feeders, New United Steel Mill, Mix Industries e.g. Noor Flour Mill, Sarwar Flour Mill, M.Tech Allum, Usman Ice Fty, I-10/3 Industrial Area, Express News, CDA Sump, I-10 Markaz, I-10/3 Industrial Area

February 12 (Tuesday) From 09:00am to 13:00pm, Old United, New Exchange feeders, I-10 Markaz, I-10/3 Industrial Area, Mix Industries e.g. Noor Flour Mill, Sarwar Flour Mill, M.Tech Allum, Usman Ice Fty

February 11 (Monday) From 09:00am to 13:00pm, INDUSTRIAL-III feeder, Islamabad Flour Mill, Rastigar, Victory Pipe

February 12 (Tuesday) From 09:00am to 14:00pm, PTN feeder, R.K Steel, Glasco Steel, Siddiqui Steel.