Ben Affleck 'repeats history' amidst Jennifer Lopez divorce rumours

Insiders say Ben Affleck is following the routine that he previously did when his marriage ended with Jennifer Garner

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Ben Affleck repeats history amidst Jennifer Lopez divorce rumours
Ben Affleck 'repeats history' amidst Jennifer Lopez divorce rumours  

Ben Affleck has reportedly a particular way of coping with sadness, especially when he had problems in his marriage: binging up junk food.

Amid the uncertainty over his union with Jennifer Lopez, insiders point to the Argo star indulging in over-eating and they say it was not the first time he chose this way to deal with the martial woes.

“When Ben’s first marriage to Jennifer Garner fell apart, he consoled himself by pigging out on junk food and packed on considerable weight," the tipster tattled to RadarOnline, adding, “Now, history seems to be repeating itself!."

Birds further chirped as he ordered fast food daily in bulk, and his marriage was hanging on a thin thread.

“He’ll have as many as five pizzas delivered at one time," they spilled. “Ben has a sweet tooth that he’s satisfying with brownies and chocolate chip cookies."

"And sweet coffee drinks topped with whipped cream! It’s doubtful he’s had a vegetable in weeks. Clearly, it’s beginning to catch up to him.”