Iconic hotel turns blind eye to Bianca Censori nude outfits?

Chateau Marmont is said to be reliant on Bianca Censori's shocking outfits

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Iconic hotel turns blind eye to Bianca Censori nude outfits?
Iconic hotel turns blind eye to Bianca Censori nude outfits?

The iconic Chateau Marmont reportedly has no problem with the way Bianca Censori dresses as the Los Angeles hotel opened its door for the model despite her almost nude outfits that seem to flout its code dress.

Telling Daily Mail, a valet at the celebrity hotspot said, "She comes here all the time. I always know when she's here because there's always a lot of paparazzi."

"She comes a lot. She stayed here awhile, a few months I think, and last time she was here was before the weekend, Tuesday or Wednesday," the worker added.

Despite its 'business-casual' dress code, the hotel appears to turn a blind eye to Bianca's skimpy outfits that seem to flout its rules.

Reports reveal the last time Kanye West's wife was in the famous LA landmark was in a dress that barely covered her modesty. "She always dresses like that," the valet shrugged off the outrage.

In spite of Chateau Marmonet's alleged indifference, California law might see Bianca's shocking outfits as indecent exposure which carries a potential jail of up to six months.