Meghan Markle sparks backlash from public figure for her overwhelming negativity

Meghan Markle has come under fire for the negative image she portrayed of a public figure

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Meghan Markle sparks backlash from public figure for her overwhelming negativity
Meghan Markle sparks backlash from public figure for her overwhelming negativity

Meghan Markle has just been called out for the way she reacted to the engagement interview she did with Prince Harry back in the day.

Royal commentator Daniela Elser made these comments public in her piece for

In it the expert noted the overwhelming amount of mysteries that surround the royals, and recalled, “Of all the mysteries that have swirled around the royal family – who killed the princes in the Tower? Did Elizabeth I ever get up to any hanky-panky?” and “we have to add a roast chicken recipe.”

And “not just any roast chicken recipe, but one that would precipitate a cascading series of events such that it would ultimately rock the monarchy to its very foundations.”

“We all remember, surely, that in November 2017, when loved-up Prince Harry sat down with freshly-minted fiancee Meghan Markle for their first interview together, there was one detail that captured the public imagination: that le grand romantic moment had also featured the bald posterior of an organic bird.”

Because for those unversed, back in their engagement interview with BBC presenter Mishal Husain, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle admitted to “roasting a chicken, trying to roast a chicken.”

Thus, in the eyes of Ms Elser, “today the chicken is back, or more accurately, that chicken-y engagement interview is back in the news, after the journalist who conducted it, BBC star Mishal Husain, publicly hit out at the duchess.”