Real reason Prince Harry was kept away from inheritance for so long explained

The real reason Buckingham Palace kept Prince Harry away from his inheritance for so long has just been brought to light

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Real reason Prince Harry was kept away from inheritance for so long explained
Real reason Prince Harry was kept away from inheritance for so long explained

Insights into the real reason Prince Harry was kept away from his inheritance for so long has just been explained by experts.

News of the upcoming change has just been made public as well, and royal commentator Christopher Anderson shared insight into all of that.

According to a report by Fox News Digital, Mr Anderson began his admission by asking, “Why 40?” because “To a woman who nearly lived to be 102, one can only imagine that 40 seemed like the perfect age to come into some extra cash”.

I.e “when you're young enough to appreciate it but also old enough, and hopefully wise enough, not to blow it.”

However, “Of course, the princes' great granny couldn't have anticipated all the trouble Harry caused the rest of the family,” Mr Anderson admitted.

“I think she would have cut him out of [the trust] entirely had she known.”