Prince Harry calls King Charles' monarchy a coward for failing to address lies

Prince Harry has hit back against the monarchy that King Charles leads

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King Charles has just come to face allegations of turning the other cheek over misgivings and wrongful actions.

Accusations such as these have been presented by the spare of the Royal Family himself, Prince Harry.

The Duke made all his admissions public in an interview for the ITV Documentary titled Tabloids on Trial.

In it he recalled all the negative feelings he experienced at the hands of the British media as a kid and said, “It felt like harassment. It felt horrible then. It feels horrible now."

And so “it’s one of the reasons why I won't bring my wife back to this country,” he also chimed in to say.

Not to mention, Prince Harry believes, “it is clear now to everybody that the risk of taking on the press and the risk of such retaliation from them of taking these claims forward -- and it's clearly not in [the royal family's] interest to do that.”

In light of this he also claimed, “I've made it very clear that this is something that needs to be done,” however.

Before signing off the prince did make clear that while, “It would be nice if we, you know, did it as a family. I believe that, again, from a service standpoint and when you are in a public role, that these are the things that we should be doing for the greater good.”