Madonna, Toby Gad's intense face-off during 'Rebel Heart' studio session

Toby Gad co-wrote 11 tracks with Madonna on the album 'Rebel Heart'

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Toby Gad co-wrote 11 tracks with Madonna on the album Rebel Heart
Toby Gad co-wrote 11 tracks with Madonna on the album 'Rebel Heart' 

Madonna had a tense moment with songwriter Toby Gad during the recording sessions for her 2014 album Rebel Heart.

Gad, who co-wrote 11 tracks on the album, recounted an intense exchange with Madonna, as reported by MailOnline.

The songwriter explained that he repeatedly asked Madonna to put more feeling into her singing.

Frustrated, Madonna eventually snapped, “F*** you, Toby. I'm not singing this again.”

“F*** you, Madonna, you are singing this again,” Gad instinctively fired back. He added, “and then there was silence in the room, and I was waiting for her to go to the bathroom.”

He said, “and that didn't happen and somehow we bonded over this, and we spent another five weeks together in total.”

Gad revealed he had heard rumours about the iconic singer's unique method of dismissing people, stating, “there were rumours going around that if you cross her the wrong way, if you do something she doesn't like or you say something she doesn't like then she will 'go to the bathroom' and then her assistant will come out and say, 'Here's your ticket home and the taxi is waiting downstairs. You have five minutes to vacate the premises. She does not want to see you when she comes back.'”

However, he said, “So we were all a little nervous but thankfully, that didn't happen to us!”