King Charles, Prince William's heated clash over sensitive succession issue exposed

King Charles and Prince William clash occurred following the monarch’s cancer diagnosis

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King Charles, Prince Williams heated clash over sensitive succession issue exposed
King Charles, Prince William's heated clash over sensitive succession issue exposed

King Charles reportedly reprimanded his elder son Prince William and forced him to sign a 'waiver' following a heated clash regarding a sensitive succession issue concerning the Wales family.

This has been claimed by royal expert Robert Jobson in his new biography, Catherine, The Princess of Wales.

The book focuses on the life of Kate Middleton from ordinary university student to the Princess of Wales and Queen in waiting.

The royal expert claims that the row between King Charles and William occurred following the monarch’s cancer diagnosis after which he reprimanded the heir to throne on a difficult topic.

The Mirror quoted Robert Jobson as claiming that the cancer-stricken King Charles had grave concerns about the Prince of Wales decision to fly his young family around the country in a helicopter.

It further said following the killing of the captain of the Queen's flight back in 1967, senior royals expressed serious fears over the welfare of Wales family because any similar incident could disrupt the line of succession.

Jobson writes: "After being diagnosed with ­cancer, King Charles — perhaps reminded of his own mortality — echoed his late mother’s concerns. And when William refused to stop flying with his family, Charles insisted that he sign a formal ­document, acknowledging the risks involved and taking full responsibility for his actions.

“It would be scant consolation, of course, for an unspeakable tragedy, let alone for the prospect of King Harry and Queen Meghan…"