Meghan Markle demanding re-payment for all sacrifices Prince Harry's sparked

Meghan Markle has been making a large number of demands from Prince Harry and its regarding all the sacrifices she’s made for him

Web Desk
Meghan Markle demanding re-payment for all sacrifices Prince Harrys demanded
Meghan Markle demanding re-payment for all sacrifices Prince Harry's demanded

Meghan Markle is seemingly done making allowances for Prince Harry and wants her old life back.

News of all of this has been brought to light by an inside source that is close to Meghan Markle.

Per this source, “Meghan has made no secret of how much she misses her care-free life when she was an actress".

This comes despite the fact that "she’d never change what she has with Harry and the kids".

Still though, "there is a big part of her that she wishes she could just get her old life back.”

Before concluding the same insider also went as far as to admit, “She loved being in Suits and all the opportunities it gave her, she’d get invited to all the exclusive events and get to hang out with Hollywood A-listers but there was so much less scrutiny and attention and there was no pressure on her.”