Meghan Markle reaching out to Kate Middleton's family amid her cancer

Meghan Markle is working to make it big with Pippa Middleton to save her from the stress

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Meghan Markle reaching out to Kate Middletons family amid her cancer
Meghan Markle reaching out to Kate Middleton's family amid her cancer

Meghan Markle is reportedly looking to strike it up with Pippa Middleton to turn the tide in her favor allegedly.

Revelations about this plan have been shared by an inside source.

This insider in question broke everything down while speaking to Closer magazine.

During their chat it was revealed, “Things cooled off between Meghan and Pippa when everything went awry with the Sussexes and William and Kate, but – as far as their personal relationship goes – there was never any issue.”

“Now that Meghan is looking for ways to make peace with Kate, she’s hit on this idea that Pippa could be a good pathway. Pippa’s always been very reasonable and level-headed towards Meghan.”

“So it’s not totally out of left field,” and “Harry and Meghan are still trying to make inroads with the royals themselves, but they’re not having a lot of luck, which is why Meghan’s looking at people who might be able to help build bridges.”

Before singing off the insider also chimed in to say, “Pippa is someone who she and Harry both get along well with, and they know she’s got a lot of sway with Kate, so the plan now is to approach her and explain how sincere they are in their hopes of patching up things.”