Expert accuses Katie Price of 'surgery addiction' following sixth procedure

Katie Price is "not fit for surgery" according to London-based plastic surgeon

Web Desk
Experts accuse Katie Price of surgery addiction following sixth procedure
Experts accuse Katie Price of 'surgery addiction' following sixth procedure

Katie Price faces criticism as she undergoes sixth facelift in Turkey.

According to MailOnline, a London-based plastic surgeon, Dr. Mark Solomos, revealed that "no responsible surgeon should perform the procedure" on Katie.

Dr. Mark said that Katie's skin looks "too tight" and questioned whether she is "fit" for the surgery.

"The first thing I want to say about Katie is that no responsible surgeon would or should perform surgery on her. Certainly if she’s unable to attend court due to her mental health, then that alone is an indicator that she is not fit for surgery," he told the outlet.

He added, "The court case aside I would say no-one should be carrying out further work on her, she surpassed her limit for natural looking improvements and enhancements some time ago."

Expressing concern that Katie's latest surgery might not improve her appearance, Dr. Mark said noted complications such as "pixie ears," which can occur when skin is pulled too tightly.

"Obviously natural isn’t the look Katie is ever striving for and her cosmetic and plastic surgery is synonymous with her brand and publicity," he said, adding, "Publicity aside there’s a very real concern that she has an addiction to surgery and body dysmorphic disorder- all the more reason why surgeons should not be carrying out work on her."