Peter Andre shares details of his 'horrific' battle with panic attacks

‘I thought I was going to die,’ says Peter Andre

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Peter Andre shares details of his horrific battle with panic attacks
Peter Andre shares details of his 'horrific' battle with panic attacks

Peter Andre has shared details of his “horrific” battle with panic attacks.

The 51-year-old singer took to Instagram to talk about his struggles with mental health as he teamed up with JAAQ, a free mental health search engine.

“You literally feel like you’re going to die,” explained Peter in the shared clip. “A panic attack, the way I used to describe it was thinking I’m going to die.”

He continued, “Your heart’s beating fast and your palms get sweaty and you get this brain fog. You don’t know what’s going to happen and you think you can’t get out of this. ‘No one will understand, please call me an ambulance.’”

“You think everyone around you is going to think you’re crazy,” added Peter before reassuring others it was a “completely normal way to feel.”

“What I will tell you is that you’re not crazy and nothing is actually going to happen to you," the Mysterious Girl singer concluded. "That’s the hardest thing to believe at this point."